Art, Design & Technology

Children see before they speak, make marks before they write, build before they walk. But their ability to appreciate and interpret what they observe, communicate what they think and feel, or make what they imagine and invent, is influenced by the quality of their art, craft and design education.

Ofsted, 2012

KS3 Curriculum
As a zone we feel that it is important to give each pupil the opportunity to have a wide variety of experiences within our department.

Year’s 7,  8 and 9 are exposed to a variety of subjects, art, 3D, textiles, Food, DT to help them learn the fundamental skills and knowledge for each subject specific area. Throughout all of these subject areas the basis of the 7 formal elements of art are the link that binds them all together and therefore are at the forefront of the learning.

Pupils will explore these 7 formal elements (form, tone, shape, line, pattern, colour and texture) in a variety of different ways and mediums. Developing the links between all media and understanding the difference between them.


KS4 Curriculum
ABC level 1 Automotive Studies

Motor Vehicle, Year 10 into year 11 Students are studying an ABC level 1 course this is via a Portfolio of Evidence that learners will work towards throughout the duration of their course that meets the necessary assessment criteria and this will contribute towards 60% of the overall grade. A 40% end on lie exam will check their knowledge in the subject area.

Units of study are:-

Unit 1 will give learners an understanding of the health and safety issues in the automotive industry. They will also have the opportunity to look at different career opportunities in the automotive sector and get an introduction to the environmental issues that are linked to the automotive industry.

Unit2 will give the learner an introduction to different materials and their properties. They will learn how to safely use these materials and skills in order to create an accessory or tool.

Unit 3 will introduce learners to the processes and procedures that are required to remove and refit mechanical components in a safe manner. They will also learn to report on the condition of the components.

Unit 4 will introduce learners to the basic principles of automotive electrics. Learners will explore the different types of batteries and lighting systems. Learners will also develop practical skills on assembling and testing electrical circuits.

KS4 WJEC Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering
Students in Key Stage 4 study over two years undertaking a Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering the course is split into two units of work.

Unit 1 looks at the Hospitality and Catering Industry. This is theory based and students will acquire a broad range of subject knowledge relating to understanding the Hospitality and Catering industry. Students will look at the structure of the industry, analyse job roles and working conditions. Look at the factors affecting the success of the industry. All areas of safety legislation and types of food poisoning causes and how to reduce them. This unit is delivered throughout the two years to give the students a sound overall understanding to enable them to achieve their full potential in their external exam.

Unit 2

Relates to Hospitality and Catering in Action. This unit is coursework based and assessed internally, students will create a range of dishes. The course is designed to enable students to gain a good foundation of knowledge, understanding and skills that are required by the Hospitality and Catering industry. Students have the opportunity to develop a variety of skills, including food preparation and cooking skills, organisation, time management, planning, communication and problem solving.

KS4 and KS5 Photography – Edexcel GCE and GCSE Art and Design Photography
Within both GCSE and A Level Photography, students investigate the work of photographers from past and present who, although having a much shorter history than other visual artists, have produced sometimes beautiful, occasionally frightening but always thought-provoking work. Pupils will continue to study the formal elements, but this will be investigated in greater depth. Therefore, all courses offered incorporate a wide spectrum of subjects ranging from more traditional dark room photography which is introduced to students at GCSE level through to digital imaging which may include film and animation. Pupils will use build upon these new-found darkroom and digital skills to produce final outcomes that reflect the world as seen through their eyes.

Within AS Photography students learn how to interpret a range of different themes developing, recording and presenting these findings, as well as going beyond the traditional flat print and exhibiting work through montage, 3D construction and book making.

The A2 course builds on the strengths that are developed at AS level. These include recording of own observations, development of own ideas, critical and cultural understanding, experimenting and refining of ideas and realising intentions. Pupils furthermore have the opportunity to choose an area of photographic practice to investigate in great depth. They may decide to work specifically within a Digital or Darkroom approach, or possibly a combination of the two. Having learnt both Darkroom and Digital skills within the AS course, students’ findings inform their own practice creating fluent practitioners.

All Photography courses serve the interests of creative and technically minded students alike, opening up the possibility of careers in Free Lance Photography, Journalism, Art and Design and Marketing. Free Lance Photography, Fashion Photography, Portrait Photography, Food Photography, Wedding Photography, Director of Photography to name but a few.

KS4 OCR GCSE Art and Design – Art
“Art in schools shouldn’t be side lined… it should be right there right up in the front because I think art teaches you to deal with the world around you. It is the oxygen that makes all the other subjects breathe”

Alan Parker, filmmaker

As a department we believe that art is a vital and integral part of our student’s education. We provide a space where students have the freedom to express their thoughts and ideas and an opportunity to develop a range of ways in which they can share and express their personal creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. Setting challenges whilst engaging and inspiring our students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

Moreover, it enables pupils to develop a natural sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them. Embedded in our curriculum is the exploration of the work of other artists and designers from a vast spectrum of backgrounds, genders, ethnicities and beliefs, connecting students with their own culture and those of others. This journey at KS4 give our students a voice with which to express their thoughts, feelings about and responses to the world around them.

The way art is taught means that interaction with the teacher and other students is different to other subjects across the Academy. Students form and develop shared interests and ideas. We provide an environment where imagination and independence is key- ideas can be discussed and adapted with the help from their teacher and peers rather than being told what to do.

GCSE is a two-year course which is split into two separate units, firstly, the Portfolio unit worth 60% the topic/focus of which is set by the teacher. Secondly the set task issued by the exam board worth 40%. Students must demonstrate the ability to develop their own ideas through investigations, refine their work through the experimentation with differing media, materials, techniques and processes, realising own intentions and refining their own work. We offer an unendorsed course at GCSE which enables students to adapt to any discipline whether this is Fine Art, Graphics, Photography, Textile Design or 3D design.

Studying Art and Design opens up the opportunity to an endless number of careers to include Art Therapy, Visual effects, Animation, Fashion Design, Architecture. Animation, Graphic

Art and Design KS3 Learning Journey

Art and Design KS4 Learning Journey

Food KS3 Learning Journey

Food Year 10 Learning Journey

Food Year 11 Learning Journey

Motor Vehicle Learning Journey 

Photography KS4 Learning Journey

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