Academy Policies

Academies have a wide range of policies and procedures developed following statutory and regulatory guidance.  They are reviewed on a regular basis by E-ACT.

Our Board of Trustees is responsible for approving statutory policies and the remainder are approved by our Executive Leadership Team.

Our policies 

Careers Information Advice and Guidance 

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 

Complaints Policy and Procedure

Educational Visits Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Lettings Policy

Pupil Attendance Policy

Pupil Behaviour Policy

Pupil Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

E-ACT Online Safety Policy 2024

E-ACT Pupil Premium Policy 2024

Provider Access Policy

Position Statement Relationship and Sex Education

Relationships and  Sex Education Policy

E-ACT SEND Policy 2024-2025

Supporting Students with  Medical Needs Policy

Uniform Policy

If you would like to request any other policies please email

Trust-wide policies

For other trust-wide E-ACT policies please refer to the main E-ACT policy page which can be found here.

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