Careers Programme

At North Birmingham Academy, we understand the importance of preparing students for the world of work after education through the development of knowledge and skills around working life and career pathways.  Accordingly, Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) forms an integral part of our curriculum, so that we can encourage all students to consider a broad range of pathways, careers and roles for their future, including academic, technical and vocational options.  To best support our students, our CEIAG programme starts from Year 7 and continues to Year 13, is informed by statutory government guidance and utilises other national initiatives such as the Gatsby Benchmarks and the CDI Framework to further enrich our offer.

Careers Information Advice and Guidance Approved
Provider Access Policy 

NBA Baker Clause Document 

CEIAG Programme 2022-23

Careers Overview

Thinking Big About Future Pathways

Careers in the Curriculum

We think it’s important for our students to be informed about the different career pathways open to them in their futures. To support this aim, all of our subjects will provide careers information to students based on the knowledge and skills they will gain in that subject area. This will help Open Minds to different future pathways for our students, and encourage them to find the right career in their future.

Personal Guidance
We offer all of our students in Years 11 and 13 personal Careers Guidance interviews with qualified advisors. These occur throughout the year, but if you’re a student and would like to request an urgent appointment to discuss your next steps then please ask your form tutor to contact the Careers team in school.

Labour Market Information

We are keen to prepare our students for the world of work, and the latest information about the skills and job opportunities in the local area can be found in this PDF. It’s fully interactive and includes links to useful websites and videos from people working in industry to help all of our students make informed career pathway choices.

MY WAY Into The World Of Work

For more information about the five biggest growth areas for careers in the Birmingham and Solihull area, please see below:

Advanced Manufacturing and EngineeringBusiness Professional and Financial ServicesCreative IndustriesEnergy TechnologiesLife Sciences

Finding out more

If you would like any further information about our careers programme, or would like to engage with our students under the Baker Clause please contact:

Careers Lead – Bhavisha Chauhan:

All information regarding Careers at North Birmingham Academy will be in reviewed July 2023.

Tel: 0121 373 1647

Your Career Pathway support for students

career pathway support for parents/carers

useful links and further guidance for staff



Links to useful websites:

Amazing Apprenticeships
Find an apprenticeship
National Careers Service



Learn more about our next open morning Book now
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Useful information