Our approach to learning

At North Birmingham Academy all pupils will have access to a curriculum that develops students with the knowledge, schema and skills in order to be prepared for life beyond schooling and to make positive contributions to their communities and wider society.

The Vision of the NBA curriculum is:

Exceptional Outcomes For Pupils

Develop a workforce for the 21st Century

Provide opportunities for students to change their world.

At North Birmingham Academy we are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning and we are relentless in the desire to improve standards.

We want students to become independent, self-motivated learners, developing the qualities that are so highly sought after by colleges, universities and employers.

Whilst there are many elements of a traditional approach to education, teachers are encouraged to identify the most appropriate way to teach every part of the curriculum.

Our Feedback Policy aims to support students in making excellent progress throughout the Academic year, through a mantra of “keep up, not catch up”. Teachers regularly review learning in order to identify any gaps and plan accordingly to close these gaps, supporting students in achieving excellence in their summative assessments.

Feedback Policy

Within the curriculum we put an emphasis on the literacy and numeracy skills needed by our students for success in and out of the academy; thus allowing them to be able to analyse information, express ideas and support their arguments.

Our PSHE and Citizenship programme supports the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students. Students are taught British Values through our tutorial programme, Academy ethos, assemblies and general expectations.

Sport and Arts are an important part of our Academy identity and we encourage all students to take an active part in extra curricular activities.

The ability of the performing arts to embrace all subject disciplines and social activities empowers pupils with the skills needed to communicate more effectively in whatever profession they end up involved in.

We comply with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 by making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs.  We do this by providing auxiliary aids to students as part of our reasonable adjustment duty.


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