Your Sixth Form Journey

Your Sixth Form Journey

Your sixth form career is one of the most exciting phases of your education career, at NBA Sixth Form we provide a wealth of opportunities and support to ensure you are well prepared for higher education and the world of work. You are given the opportunity to focus on the subjects you enjoy the most and maybe take on a subject you have never studied before, however, studying less subjects doesn’t equal less work, Level 3 A levels and vocational subjects hard work, with smaller classes and your newfound independence you’ll be expected to put in your fair share of revision and study time. With more flexibility in your timetable you are given the independence to use your time to get to know new people and prepare well for your future.

Year 12

  • During your first year of sixth form once you have confirmed your sixth form curriculum options you will receive individualised careers interviews to ensure you are placed on the most appropriate pathway for your next step.
  • During form time you will be taught all of the necessary study skills to best prepare you for the demands of Level 3 study, this includes metacognition how best to retain information, note keeping and organisation and literacy skills to ensure you have the best possible chance to produce positive outcomes.
  • You will be given the opportunity to join our sixth form leadership team and/or become an academy prefect. This will enable you to lead on key issues such as equality and diversity, student voice and whole school events in addition to supporting the whole school with literacy and numeracy support for the younger years as well as providing evidence for leadership skills for university and job applications.
  • Work experience is a key part of your sixth form journey. Year 12 students are given the opportunity to take part in work experience during the summer term, this provides students with the chance to have a taster of the career they desire to work in or to try out a vocation they might enjoy.
  • To inspire and inform students of their next steps, you will take part in a range of university visits, apprenticeship talks and attend workshops on personal statement writing.

Year 13

  • Once you are a fully-fledged and established member of NBA sixth form as a Year 13 student you will continue to support the academy and student leader whilst helping to mentor Year 12 students to take on key leadership positions.
  • At the start of Year 13 student take an even more determined approach to their studies. Students who are interested in applying for Dentistry or Medicine are supported with applying for their UKAT and BMAT entry exams.
  • Mock exams form a key part of the sixth form experience. The preparation for these exams enables students to track their progress and set ambitious targets
  • The majority of sixth form students apply through UCAS for university applications for a range of subjects and career pathways. All students are supported through this stage with well-informed advice and preparation for interviews. Receiving university and employment offers is one of the most exhilarating stages of the sixth form journey.


Personal Development

How we prepare our sixth formers for life in modern Britain

A key part of sixth form personal development is ensuring that our students understand the importance of being an active citizen who contributes to and questions their society, we believe this will prepare them for the challenges that may come their way in the 21st century. Students are given the opportunity to discuss a range of controversial topics a lot of which have been featured in the news. This provides students with an opportunity to understand what is going on throughout the world, build critical awareness and share their opinions on topics such as; women’s rights around the world, the cost of living crisis and worldwide political debates and updates.

In preparing our students for life in modern Britain, NBA Sixth Form recognise the importance of the promotion of British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. Thus, contributing to the development of well-rounded citizens.

Below is just a selection of how this is embedded in our sixth form:

  • Having an open and safe learning environment during form time, in which students can express their views and practise moral decision-making
  • Our Private Study Room provides opportunities for calmness, reflection and independent study
  • Receiving support from a learning support mentor assigned to help students with study skills and organisation, personal statement writing and work experience.
  • A dedicated SEN advisor to provide 1:1 support where required and guidance for all aspects of personal development, behaviour and attitudes.
  • Having the opportunity to recognise, learn about and celebrate different faiths and values through awareness days, cultural celebrations and reflection on how history has shaped the world we live in.
  • Regular student voice surveys that ensure all students have a voice that is listened to.
  • Student leadership team and sixth form prefects that are instrumental in leading and organising whole school events, e.g. charity fundraising.
  • Our sixth form weekly ‘Friday Quiz’, where students experience working co-operatively with staff and each other; whilst also gaining knowledge about, and understanding of, the world we live in.
  • Trips arranged to theatre shows, crown court, author Q&As, Careers fairs and visiting speakers providing information on a range of career pathways.
  • Our reward system and half-termly celebratory events to share and acknowledge success and improvements in all aspects of school life
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