Welcome to the sixth form

North Birmingham Academy Post 16 promotes individual excellence within a caring and supportive environment.

We offer a broad curriculum which has a focus on academic and vocational subjects from A Levels to BTEC, diplomas and OCR Nationals. Students are able to combine a selection of these qualifications in order to enhance their chances of academic and employment success, whilst making the most of their individual skills and talents.

Our sixth form students work hard to achieve strong examination results and we are extremely successful in working with students to achieve places in their chosen universities, training work placements or employment.

In preparation for this students will study subjects in far greater depth, whilst being more responsible for their learning and the direction of their studies. To support this, we offer a structured and understanding environment allowing students to flourish and develop independent learning skills; allowing them to be successful in their chosen route beyond Post 16.

We believe it is important to develop the whole student, ensuring all of our students leave us as responsible, committed and ambitious young people who are a credit to themselves, their families and their communities.

All Post 16 students are encouraged to make a positive contribution to Academy life by becoming prefects and mentoring the younger students, assisting group tutors and being ambassadors for Academy events.

Curriculum Prospectus 2023



If you wish to find out more information regarding the sixth form, or would like to arrange a visit, please contact Azania Blake Head of Sixth Form Azania.Blake@nba.e-act.org.uk


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