Student Leadership

At NBA Sixth form we are keen to provide and opportunities for our students to develop into determined, ambitious and well-rounded young adults. Our students relish at leadership opportunities, when placed in positions of leadership our students have a profound impact in our academy. They are involved in a range of activities throughout the academy, such as, arranging social events, leading debate clubs and collating the voice of all students in the academy to support us in our drive to improving our academy. Our student leadership team are supported by sixth form prefects who provide whole school duty and transition support and mentor our KS3 students with literacy, numeracy and social and emotional mentoring.

Our NBA Sixth Form student leadership team:


Hegi, Head Girl

North Birmingham Academy is the first school I have attended since I moved to the UK and it was one of my best decisions. I am currently studying A-level Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. I have always enjoyed science and these subjects always made me question the world around me and value the complexity of it. This is one of the reasons why I want to be a surgeon in the future. As Head Girl I aim to pull from my own experiences as a student at this sixth form to help cultivate a supportive and productive environment for my peers.



Khalid, Head Boy

Hello, I aspire to be a surgical Oncologist in the near future; to realise this dream I study A level biology chemistry and mathematics. Maths is the most interesting subject that I do despite not enjoying GCSE maths, it’s very challenging and teaches real life applications as well as including a little physics in the form of mechanics. I hope that being head boy will help reinforce my personal statement as well help me work cohesively in a team which is a key skill I will need to work in a hospital.


Tashana, Ambassador for Student Voice

 I am studying Drama, Dance and Media Studies. I am hoping to further study Drama at university and go on to pursue a career in education becoming a drama teacher. Other than A-levels in my free time and after school I enjoy being part of the performing arts team dancing at events throughout the year. As student voice & participation I am hoping to bridge the gap between the students and the staff, ensuring that everyone feels listened to and making NBA and Post 16 more accessible to students, parents, staff and the wider community.



Sabrina, Ambassador for Social Events

 I study biology, law and sociology and I am a prospective commercial litigator. My hopes for this role include wanting to host events that will allow for students to develop more positive and memorable experiences in school as well as raising awareness and resources to charities or programs that help tackle issues that are prevalent in our wider society.



Kali, Ambassador for Social Events

I am currently studying Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Maths. I am one of the Social Events Ambassadors for the school and I cannot wait to start organising events that will entice the creativity of students and enrich their learning. I aspire to be a dentist and I hope the skills I learn from this role will be transferable to my career goal. I will be successful in this role and provide new opportunities for the students.



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