How to Apply

We are currently welcoming applications from our prospective students.

Please click the link below to apply:

Application Form link

For an overview of our current curriculum offer please see the Sixth Form Curriculum Tab and view our prospectus and curriculum video playlist.

For any queries please contact our admissions team on 0121-373-1647 ext 3328 or email

  • There are 250 places available within North Birmingham Academy’s Sixth form; across year 12 and 13.
  • All North Birmingham year 11 students are invited to apply to our Sixth Form.  Applications from external candidates are also very welcome.
  • If you are looking  to transfer to North Birmingham Academy directly into year 13, please contact the sixth form team to discuss your needs or telephone 0121 373 1647 extension 3328

Post 16 Admissions Policy

Entry to Year 12 is on the basis of academic ability demonstrated by achievement at GCSE. All applicants are required to complete an online application form and make their subject choices.

Conditional places will be offered based on predicted GCSE grades. Places will be confirmed following the publication of GCSE results and applicants will be asked to confirm their acceptance of their place on the publicised enrolment day. Students who fall short of the required grades will be offered an interview to discuss their options.

Year 12 Oversubscription Criteria

The following oversubscription criteria will be used for external applicants when there are more applications than places available:

  • Looked after or previously looked after child (in public care)
  • Where the child has a brother or sister currently attending the School
  • Proximity of the child’s home to school with those living nearer accorded the higher priority


The Department for Education appeals code

Applicants refused a place in Year 12 are entitled to appeal to an independent appeal panel.  For appeals please email

Where there are exceptional personal circumstances, the Headteacher reserves the right to award a place in Post 16. This applies where it can be shown that these circumstances experienced in Year 11 have impacted detrimentally on a student’s examination performance and that they have the academic potential to study in Post 16


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