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Students and staff at North Birmingham Academy are once again delighted that as a result of the hard work and commitment of students they are thrilled to be able to progress to their next stage of either university or employment.

The progress made by the Academy Sixth Form shows an impressive 94% attaining the higher grades in their A levels. The average points achieved for both academic and vocational qualifications shows a significant improvement from 2016. Students studying vocational qualifications have performed exceptionally well with 100% achieving with an impressive average grade of Distinction (D*D*) across year 13.

Headteacher Phil Lloyd commented “As always, A level results day is a mix of emotions.  Most students are excited to accept their university places or apprenticeship roles.  All students have qualifications to move onto the next stage in their careers.

For the small numbers who’ve missed their first choice, experience of the clearing process so far has been good with students securing excellent options for their next steps.

I’m pleased with the results this year and thank all the staff and students for their hard work as the NBA sixth form goes from strength to strength.”

Outstanding individual performances in the Academy include:

Pedro Evans, our Head Boy, achieved an exceptional the top grade A* in A Level Mathematics and D*D* in Business Studies. He is now progressing to Manchester University to study Accounting.

T’Naya Allen gained an excellent A grade in Sociology and D*D* in Media Studies to progress to study Experimental Film Production at Staffordshire University.

Hassan Rehman achieved a D*D* in Information Technology and D*D* in Business Studies, to successfully move onto Aston University to study Computing & Information Technology.

Khadeja Begum achieved a fantastic A grade in Sociology and B grade in Psychology to successful gain a place at Aston University to study Psychology.

As Head of Year Azania Blake said, ‘ I am extremely proud of the students achieving this year! They are a credit to all of the hard work and dedication put in by staff and students. We wish the students all the best in their future endeavours.’

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