Key Stage 3 – Recommended Reading List

Girl Missing


What if everything you thought you knew about your life was a lie?

Lauren is adopted and eager to know more about her mysterious past. But when she discovers she may have been snatched from her family as a baby, her whole life       suddenly feels like a sham. Why will no one answer her questions? How can she find her biological parents? And could her adoptive parents really have been responsible for kidnapping her? Running away from her family to seek out the truth, Lauren’s journey takes her deeper and deeper into danger as she realises that someone wants to stop her uncovering what really happened when she was a baby… at any cost… A nail-biting YA thriller from the bestselling author of Close My Eyes 10 years on from it’s first publication, Girl Missing has sold over 150,000 copies in the UK alone. This new edition of the bestseller includes exclusive extra content from Sophie and is a must for fans and readers that are yet to discover this modern classic.

10 YEARS OF AWARDS FOR Girl, Missing


Skulduggery Pleasant

            She’s fourteen. He’s dead. But together they’re going to save the world. Hopefully. The third book in the bestselling Skulduggery Pleasant series. You’ve seen it all before: some bad guy wants to bring about the end of the world. A few people get hurt, sure, but everything’s all right in the end. Well… not this time.






The Year I didn’t eat

14-year-old Max only has one person he can really talk to. Her name is Ana – also known as anorexia, his eating disorder. Max writes to Ana every day. She feeds on his fears, encouraging him to lose more and more weight. For Christmas, Max gets an unusual present from his older brother Robin: a geocache. He hides it in the forest near their house, thrilled by the anonymity it gives him. Anyone can leave Max a note – and soon, he gets one from the mysterious ‘E’. Could it be the Evie, the new girl at school, playing tricks on him? In the midst of a family crisis, Max’s eating disorder quickly deteriorates. Ana pulls him further and further away from his family and friends, until he feels totally alone. Can anyone help him find a way out? Drawing on debut author Samuel Pollen’s own experiences, this is an unforgettable, uplifting story of one boy’s battle with anorexia.




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