
North Birmingham Academy Alumni

This year, we are proud to be celebrating 10 years of North Birmingham Academy.

As part of this, we are launching a campaign to celebrate our former students by capturing stories to gather information on ‘where are you now’.

Why are we gathering stories
We would like to celebrate and showcase the achievements of alumni who have left the academy.

We recognise that alumni can act as role models for current students, offer advice from their own perspective, and demonstrate to students that ‘someone like me’ can succeed and achieve what they set out to work on.

We hope that students in being able to relate to alumni, can use the success stories to boost their own confidence and motivation to build a positive and transformative future.

How to sign up
If you are an ex-student of North Birmingham Academy and would like to provide us with details of ‘where are you now’, please complete the form below.

 ‘Where are you now’

Your stories will most likely be featured on the North Birmingham Academy website as well as around the school. You can engage and support the academy in other ways beyond sharing your story, which you can sign up for in the form above.

Friends of and other supporters
We recognise that many other friends of the academy, local organisations and employers can support us in boosting students’ confidence, motivation and career aspirations. We work with a range of employers and other local support organisations and would like to continue to build new relationships. If you are interested in supporting us and/or finding out more, please email:

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