
Overall Medical Provisions:

E-ACT is committed to ensuring that all students with medical conditions can access and enjoy the same opportunities at the academy as any other students, as well as to ensuring that they are able to play a full and active role in academy life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.

If you have any questions, concerns etc about your child’s medical needs or wish to update the academy about anything linked to your child’s health, medical condition/s, medication/s or medical treatment then please contact the academy’s medical lead as soon as possible. This will ensure that the correct medical provisions are implemented for your child as soon as possible.

Supporting Students with Medical Needs Policy

First Aid Provisions

We have a number of first aiders available throughout the day and evening. During the day we have a dedicated team of trained first aiders who support staff and students if and when the need arrives. There are also first aid boxes strategically placed around the academy for easy access. We also have a dedicated medical room for treatment of any of the students when it is safe to do so.

First Aid Lead – Franco Politi

First Aid Trained Staff January 2024




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