Equality Objectives

As an academy, our community reflects and celebrates the exciting diversity in the city.

North Birmingham Academy is an inclusive school, where we focus on the well-being and progress of every student and where all members of our community are of equal worth. We believe that the Equality Act 2010 provides a framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people. It also ensures that we continue to tackle issues of disadvantage and underachievement of different groups.

Our approach to equality is based on the following key principles:

  • All learners are of equal value.
  • We recognise and respect difference.
  • We foster positive attitudes and relationships and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging.
  • We observe good equalities practice in staff recruitment, retention and development.
  • We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist.
  • We have the highest expectations of all our students. We ensure that our students are exposed to and taught about all protected characteristics through our curriculum.

Equality and Diversity Policy

 Equality Ojectives 2023 – 2026

Equalities Action Plan 2021-2025

The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish specific and measurable equality objectives. Our equality objectives are based on the analysis of our data and other evidence. Our equality objectives focus on those areas where we have agreed to take action to improve equality and tackle disadvantages. We will regularly review the progress we are making to meet our equality objectives.

ObjectiveExisiting Data/EvidenceWhat we aim to doHow we will acheive thisPerson responsible TimescaleRescourcesImpact
(Expectational Outcomes) To provide world-class education opportunities to all students regardless of background.

To deliver a curriculum tailored to meet the needs of pupils and designed to give a broad range of experience that supports young people in moving to the next stage of their careers.
Student voice shows there is a lack of understanding in some areas of people, culture and religions.

There is a significant number of students who are EAL

50% of all pupils are working below their reading age.

Further improve our curriculum at a subject level to extend pupils understanding of people, culture and religions.

To further improve the provision and outcomes for our pupils with English as an additional language.

To increase the number of students working on or above their reading age standard.

Review of High Level and medium-term plans to ensure there is coverage within subject curriculum.

Newly appointed EAL coordinator to ensure that families are engaged with students schooling.

Students are assessed correctly to identify their needs and specific interventions.

Use of pupil premium money to intervene and test students accordingly to track their progress more frequently.
Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher

Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, EAL Coordinator

Senior Leadership Team
On-going with specific focus in 2021-22

On Going

On Going

Planned meeting time with middle leaders

EAL Coordinator time

Literacy Assessment Online / NGRT Assessments, Pupil intervention on Timetable.

Students will demonstrate a more diverse understanding of culture, religions from their work.

The students are supported to make good progress as shown through their books and assessments.

The reading ages of students will be closed compared to their counterparts.
Students will demonstrate a more diverse understanding of culture, religions from their work.

The students are supported to make good progress as shown through their books and assessments.

The reading ages of students will be closed compared to their counterparts.
Student voice shows that some pupils lack understanding of different culture, backgrounds.

CPOMS shows evidence of discriminatory behaviours.

To develop our student ambassadors program so that they are trained to promote equality within our academy.

To further develop our students understanding of culture and religions, by promoting understanding and respect for differences.

Ensure our ambassadors are reflective our society and provide them specific training to support and promote equality.

To plan direct work for children through assemblies and curriculum on equality.

We will celebrate cultural festivals, international celebrations and black history month.

We develop a specific year group reading program that cover a wide range of issues around discrimination

We will use Aspens Catering to plan international cuisine in conjunction with international celebrations, and cultural festivals.

We will use a range of different visitors to the academy from a range of faiths.

The academy will link the Birmingham City Council agreed RE Syllabus into our subject curricular to ensure coverage is wide.
Headteacher, AHT, PSHE leadOn going On going Training time for students with AHT and PSHE lead.

CPD sessions

Curriculum time

SLT meetings

Assembly rota

Class reading book sets.
Students will demonstrate a greater respect and understanding of different religions, cultures, gender, as evidenced through student voice and/or work in books.

Student's respect, awareness and appreciation of cultures and festivals will rise

Students will have experienced different authors and different literature in multiple contexts.

Students will have an awareness of food from different cultures making students more open minded and willing to embrace this.

Students will have experience of different visitors from the local community and beyond

The academy curriculum demonstrates the 24 dispositions from the locally agreed syllabus evidenced in planning and student work.
(Develop a work force for the 21st Century) We will develop our students as the workforce for the 21st century by preparing them for life in a diverse society in which students are able to see their place in the local, regional and national and international community.50% of pupils are below their expected reading age.

Parents would like more support to help their child at home with their curriculum work.
To narrow the pupil premium gap in literacy and numeracy in all our year groups.

To provide a high quality CIAEG program to pupils to expose students to range of sectors

Provide a range of educational opportunities for parents to develop their own skills to support their children.
The number of pupil premium students will be working at the standard expected for their age.

We will engage with employers and organisations from a range of sectors to support our students being exposed to different careers paths.

Provide face to face workshops using our place and identity leadership strategy to
AHT and Literacy, numeracy leads.

AHT and Aim Higher coordinator.

SLT / subject leads
On going


AHT time and teacher release in literacy numeracy to support students.

AHT time and teacher release in literacy numeracy to support students.

Schedule required and promoted.
Gap narrowed in key student groups and intervention planned.

Students have understanding of different career paths supporting their future pathways.

Parents feel more equipped to help their pupils at home.



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